
The Knights of Columbus
Insurance offers the following:

Insurance Report January 2025

Dear Council Brothers and friends of Council 9053,

Happy New Year! I hope all of you had a joyous and merry Christmas. All of us start the new year afresh. We make resolutions. Let’s plan now to look back at the end of 2024 and be able to say, “I kept those resolutions to improve myself, to improve my relationship with my family and friends, and my relationship with God!” An improved prayer life is the goal of many. I know I’ve made that resolution almost every year. Some years I do better than others. But here are few things I’ve found about making resolutions that helped me. First, I don’t want to make a resolution that is not possible to keep. I have1 to be realistic. I can’t go to an extreme. For example, to improve my prayer life, I can’t go from praying for 15 minutes in the morning to reading a chapter of the Bible, attending daily Mass, reciting the rosary, and saying the Liturgy of the Hours each day. For me, that’s too much of a jump. I’m going to follow that for a day or two and then something will get me off track. Myself, I need to take baby steps. Maybe start with saying the rosary each day. I’ve got to make my resolution achievable. The same is true of all those other resolutions we make. I can’t go from being a couch potato to running six miles a day…but I could start by walking a mile each day as an achievable step in that direction. I can’t starve myself trying to lose weight…but I could cut out snacks between meals as a start. Again, an achievable step. I might want to read more, so I can start by reading a chapter a day in a book. You get the idea. The resolution has to be reasonable, achievable, and specific. Now here is one resolution that is reasonable, achievable, and specific: Resolve to meet with me to update the information on your family’s financial needs analysis. (Or maybe you need to complete a financial needs analysis.) Let’s see where you stand. Your financial health is critical to your family’s future security. As your field agent I’m charged to meet with each of my members each year. We can take a look at your goals and aspirations and make sure you’re on track to keep your family appropriately protected. I’ll contact you soon to see if an appointment should be our next step. Thank you and here’s to an exciting New Year— 2025!

Vivat Jesus!

Robert (Bob) Marlowe III

For more information about the Knights of Columbus Insurance opportunities, please contact Robert Marlowe:

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Knights of Columbus: Empowering Catholic Men to Lead, Serve, and Make a Difference​

The Knights of Columbus welcomes men from diverse backgrounds, celebrating role models who embody leadership and service. Our organization fosters a commitment to protecting and defending communities in today’s world. Together, we’re empowering Catholic men to live their faith at home, in their parish, at work and in their community. Join us today and become part of a brotherhood dedicated to making a positive difference in the world!

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