About Council #9053
Knights of Columbus: A Legacy of Charity, Unity, and Fraternity Since 1882
Thanks to the efforts of venerable Father Michael J. McGivney, assistant pastor of St. Mary’s Church in New Haven and some of his parishioners, the Connecticut state legislature on March 29, 1882, officially chartered the Knights of Columbus as a fraternal benefit society. The Order is still true to its founding principles of charity, unity and fraternity.
From his own experience, McGivney recognized the devastating effect on immigrant families of the premature death of the father and wage earner. Many Catholics were still struggling to assimilate into the American economy so he, with a small group of parishioners, as a mutual aid society, began to provide financial assistance in the event of the men’s deaths to their widows and orphans. The organization developed as a fraternal society. McGivney was also known for his tireless work among his parishioners.
The Knights of Columbus was among the first groups to recruit blood donors, with formal efforts dating to 1937 during the Great Depression.
Officers and Directors

SK Kenneth Hidenfelter
Grand Knight
Chaplain, Father and SK Lance Martin | 410-289-0652 |
Grand Knight, SK Kenneth Hidenfelter | 410-703-2623 |
Deputy Grand Knight, SK John Sharkey | 610-329-5651 |
Chancellor, Chuck Lutz | 410-208-3065 |
Warden, SK Wayne Straight | 302-988-1683 |
Recorder, Chris Bean | 301-440-0865 |
Financial Secretary, SK Dale Shepard | 952-807-3239 |
Treasurer, SK Thomas Foglesong | 240-353-0681 |
Lecturer, David Dancer | 240-506-7857 |
Advocate, SK Bill Van Horn | 301-461-3660 |
Inside Guard, SK Richard Thomas | 610-304-9773 |
Outside Guard, SK Richard Fox | 443-966-2200 |
3 Yr ? SK Thomas Herwig | 410-960-9019 |
2 Yr ? SK Charles O?Brien | 302-988-1498 |
1 Yr ? SK Deacon Joseph Carraro | 410-250-8237 |
SK Kenneth Hidenfelter, GK | 410-703-2623 |
SK Thomas Herwig, FN, PGK | 410-960-9019 |
Alt. Delegate, SK Wayne Straight, PGK, PFN | 302-988-1863 |
Alt. Delegate, | Open |
Exemplification Team Captain | SK John Sharkey, DGK |
Bar Manager, SK Richard Thomas | 610-304-9773 |
Bingo, SK Thomas Anderson | 410-641-5752 |
Charity Committee Chairman, SK Joe Kostelac | 410-250-5665 |
Faith Director, SK Steve Mastbrook | 302-604-2694 |
Community Director, SK Thomas Herwig | 410-960-9019 |
Computer Specialist, John Rubino | 301-938-9239 |
Family Director, SK John Sharkey | 610-329-5651 |
Hall Rental Manager, SK Richard Thomas | 610-304-9773 |
Kitchen Manager, SK Kevin Hughes | 410-726-8946 |
Knight Times Editor, SK Thomas Foglesong | 240-353-0681 |
Membership Director, Jack Kelly | 410-258-5663 |
Life Director, SK Kevin Hughes | 410-726-8956 |
Program Director, John-Paolo Celozzi | 443-859-7666 |
Public Relations, SK Thomas Foglesong | 240-353-0681 |
Retention Director, Jack Kelly | 410-258-5663 |
Sick and Distressed, Chuck Lutz | 410-208-3065 |
Ways & Means Chair, SK Thomas Foglesong | 240-353-0681 |
Youth Director, SK Eddie Mardaga | 443-220-5286 |
Youth Director, SK John Sharkey | 610-329-5651 |
Welcome from the Grand Knight...
My name is Ken Hidenfelter, I am the Grand Knight of Council 9053 Ocean City MD. In the
Knights of Columbus organization, each council has a Grand Knight, similar to a company CEO.
There are thirteen Officers that ensure that we are true to our core values of Charity, Unity, and
Fraternity. I joined the Knights because a friend invited me. It was not just the invitation but what
he said: “as a Knight I would be part of something greater than myself”. As a Catholic man with
a family of three children I was doing all the right things, but something was missing in my
spiritual life. I did not have a group of friends with the same Catholic values and parenting
beliefs. What I found after I became a Knight was a group of men with like values and morals,
who cared about the Church, family, and our country. I met men who had different backgrounds,
age differences, and different family experiences. Looking back, I wished I had joined the
Knights earlier in my life. I would have had a group that would have given me support in
Catholic parenting and marriage. The charitable fundraising activities answered my internal
search of how I can answer Jesus’s call to help those in need and less fortunate then myself.
My charity effort along with the men in the Council is a multiplier in Charity giving. The
fellowship I experience with my fellow Knights is rewarding. As you surf our website, maybe you
will find areas that interest you or fill a need that you have been searching for. It is easy, send a
note to talk to a brother or click on the join button. You will be amazed at the changes that will
happen in your life, God Bless.
Weekly Update from the Grand Knight
23 March 2025
Worthy Brothers and friends,
As we enter the third week of Lent let us continue our individual Lenten activities and take advantage of what is being offered at Saint Luke’s (other churches have similar activities). Please remember all the Brothers and Lady Knights and their families who are in need of our prayers. Maybe a Divine Mercy Chaplet asking God’s mercy for those who are sick, if you have time.
Saint Lukes Lenten opportunities:
There has been a change to our website. We will no longer post or store past versions of the Knight Times. I was notified of a potential security concern of the information that we post: names, phone numbers, birthdays, and other sensitive information. A small committee was formed to review the issue, and it was agreed to remove the K’Times. Each of us receives an email copy to read. We will begin posting the Calendars, three months at a time, shortly. The three-month calendar will be updated when necessary and the date the updates were made will be listed.
I request each of you read this paragraph twice. We need an assistant/deputy treasurer for the Council. Each of you in your life up to now have a wealth of experience in many areas. Maybe you worked in finance, managed a budget, studied or reviewed budgets, written checks, and managed bank accounts. You did all these things at home over the course of your life. Like most financial matters each organization, and home, have certain ways of doing things and managing money. The Council is no different. You don’t have to have years of experience in the Knights, new guys bring new ideas. If for any reason Tom Foglesong was unable to do the job, it would be a VERY steep learning curve for the person who would take it over. That is why we need a deputy. A computer will be provided, a book on working “QuickBooks online” and some help from Tom. Pray about it. Maybe this is what God believes you could do. Remember God will not ask more than you can do. Questions, Please call me.
** Ways and Means Committee, Wed 26 March at 10:00, ZOOM
** Rosary every Thursday at 10:10 AM. Come in person or call-in: 848-220-3100 ID 905300#
** Bingo every Friday, come and have some fun. Remember half the proceeds goes to charity [almsgiving…]
** Regarding the schedule of events, this coming Saturday, March 29 … at the St. Luke’s 9:00am Mass, we will celebrate our Founder’s Day Mass… (Again, please wear your KofC name badge.)
** Council Meeting Wed April 2: Officers 5:00, Brothers 6:30
Lenten Supper scheduled for April 7th. Working with the Parish, we are bringing back the “Soup Supper”. It was last held in 2019. Three soups. Salad, bread. Coffee-tea. Time 4:30-6:00 PM. Cost $8.00 for adults, children $3.00. Father Sylvester will give a 10 min talk. Reservations are highly recommended, walk ins welcome if there are seats available, call the St Luke’s office to reserve a seat.
Reminder, for this event, all knights should wear your name badges. There just might be an opportunity to recruit.
Vivat Jesus
Ken Hidenfelter Grand Knight
Lord, what can WE do today!
Knights’ motto: Make a difference in someone’s life
Events for March

The council meeting minutes are not available for viewing on our website at this time.
The Knight Times is not available for viewing on our website at this time.
Friday Night Bingo
Doors open at 4:30 p.m. If 3 or more players would like to sit to gather come early.
Bingo starts at 6:30 p.m.
Cost to Play $25.00, one card for every game.
Additional games are $1.00 per card 6 cards for $5.00. There are 26 games. The $1000 Jackpot is the last game. There are pull-tab games from 4:30 p.m. to 6:15 p.m. at $1 per card. There are 50/50 games from 4:30 p.m. through half-time.
Prizes are based on:
numbers of players.
Some on sales, some on ball count.
Average prizes each night are over $2000.
Food offered/available before and at half-time.
Bingo night ends about 9:30 p.m.

Upcoming Events
Discover what’s happening in our community! Explore our Events page to discover more upcoming gatherings.
Next Council Meeting
Wednesday February 5, 2025 - 6:30 p.m.
The next council meeting will take place at the Knights of Columbus, Ocean City Hall:
9901 Coastal Highway, Ocean City, MD 21842
Members are encouraged to attend and participate. The agenda and related documents will be available for review via email and the meeting minutes will be available on our website.
Contact Us
We appreciate your interest in our organization and look forward to hearing from you. Please use the form below to get in touch with us.
Additional Contact Information
If you prefer to contact us directly, you can reach us through the following means:
9901 Coastal Hwy
Ocean City, MD, 21842
(410) 524-7994
Follow Us
Knights of Columbus: Empowering Catholic Men to Lead, Serve, and Make a Difference
The Knights of Columbus welcomes men from diverse backgrounds, celebrating role models who embody leadership and service. Our organization fosters a commitment to protecting and defending communities in today’s world. Together, we’re empowering Catholic men to live their faith at home, in their parish, at work and in their community. Join us today and become part of a brotherhood dedicated to making a positive difference in the world!
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